Category: Codes
Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS):
A Windows and Office activator using HWID / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections. Download / How to use it? Method 1 – PowerShell On Windows 10/11, right-click on the windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal. Copy-paste the below code and press enter…
Code The Future – Select Tutorial To Start Coding
HTML[Open] Java[Open] JavaScript[Open] CSS[Open] Python[Open] SQL[Open] Swift[Open] PHP[Open] Kotlin[Open]
How to make Fake Virus in VS code (100% Safe)
⚠️WARNING⚠️ Do not attempt this prank on those prone to heart attacks and if you are that of a douche to prank someone prone to heart attacks with a (scary) prank im not responsible. Step 1: For Everyone Who Doesn’t Know How to Make a .VBscript|only Works on Windows: Find your note pad. Easiest way…
Tails |Free Download and what is Tails|
Install Tails Install Tails from Windows You need 1 USB stick Only for Tails! 8 GB minimum Windows 7 or later 2 GB of RAM 64-bit a smartphone or a printer to follow the instructions 1 hour in total 1.3 GB to download ½ hour to install Your steps Download Tails Verify your download Download balenaEtcher…
How to build a simple notepad app for Android
In this post, you are going to learn to make a basic notepad app. This is a great project to get to grips with because it will lend itself to a range of alternative uses as similar concepts can be used to create SMS apps, email apps and anything that requires text input. This will allow…
How to make your own Antivirus Program for Windows Platform
Let’s do something creative, In this Post, I’ll going to show you How to make your own Antivirus Program for the Windows Platform. Follow the steps in this simple tutorial and you can Create an Antivirus for yourself. I know what you’re thinking. You thinking something like, How can I create an Antivirus? Trust me this…
How to add Capcha in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Secure your websites with CAPTCHA validation. Nowadays CAPTCHAs are an integral part of website security. Millions of CAPTCHA tests are completed online every day. If you haven’t implemented CAPTCHA validation on your website, it could create a big problem for you, setting you up as a target to spammers. Here’s everything you need to know about CAPTCHAs and…