Do not attempt this prank on those prone to heart attacks and if you are that of a douche to prank someone prone to heart attacks with a (scary) prank im not responsible.
Step 1: For Everyone Who Doesn’t Know How to Make a .VBscript|only Works on Windows:
Find your note pad.
Easiest way is:
1.right click on an empty space
2.go to NEW-text document
Step 2: Copy and Paste the code:
Copy paste this code into the note pad
X=MsgBox("Error while opening computer. Do you want to fix it",4+64,"Computer") X=MsgBox("Unable to fix this error. Do you want to scan your Computer",3+48,"Computer Scan") X=MsgBox("Alert! Virus has been detected. Do you want to scan your computer",3+16,"Alert") X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this virus",1+64,"Critical Error") X=MsgBox("Virus is Activated",2+16,"Virus Alert") X=MsgBox("Deleting System Files..",2+16,"File Delete") X=MsgBox("Virus is copying your password..",2+48,"Virus Alert") X=MsgBox("Please wait. Uploading your files to hack server.Do you want to stop it",4+64,"File Transfer") X=MsgBox("Cannot stop. File transfer Completed",1+16,"Completed") X=MsgBox("Your Computer is hacked by ANONYMOUS[359]",1+16,"Hacked") X=MsgBox("You cannot Access your Computer Anymore..",1+48,"Computer Hacked") X=MsgBox("This was PRANK",1+64,"No virus") X=MsgBox("Bye Bye",0+16,"Bye")
Step 3: Send to Someone
Name it something like “game” or “everytink you want” so the friend thinks its some cool INdev game or something that the victim would most likely start wihout heisatation. To do this create a shortcut(use preferred method) and change icon by going on properties. Then selecting icon and picking a creative icon you found on the internet or created or found in %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll (the default icon pack you get with windows)
Have fun!
Made by apostube.com Discord: AposTube#6653